Breast Cancer

 Breast cancer is a risk factor for all women, and the risk increases with age. Your risk rises if you are a victim of the following:

You are at least 50 years old; and/or

Breast cancer has been diagnosed in your mother, sister, or daughter.

The good news is that early diagnosis may significantly improve your odds of survival. As a result, every woman over the age of 50 should undergo routine breast cancer screening.

Breast Cancer: A Comprehensive Overview

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the tissues of the breast. As is the case with the majority of malignancies, the precise etiology is unknown. According to experts, it may be a result of hereditary and environmental factors.

Breast Cancer Risk Factors

Breast cancer risk increases with age. Additional risk factors for breast cancer include the following:

Having a history of breast cancer in one's family

A history of breast cancer, whether malignant or benign (non-cancerous).

Having a family history of ovarian cancer

Menstruation begins prematurely

Menopause in its latter stages

After the age of 30, having your first kid

Having fewer children or none at all

Being on hormone treatment

Gaining weight, particularly after menopause

Consumption of alcohol

Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast cancer in its early stages often exhibits no signs. This is why regular mammograms are critical. Please contact your doctor immediately if you develop any of the symptoms listed below.

Breast Cancer Stages

Breast cancer is classified into five stages: 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Treatment may result in survival rates of over 90% in the early phases (0 and 1).

Self-Protection Against Breast Cancer

The most effective method to prevent breast cancer is to get regular mammograms. Conducting a monthly self-examination of the breasts also keeps you informed of any changes to your breasts.

Steps to take to protect yourself from breast cancer

Every two years, schedule a mammography; during the procedure, a female radiographer will squeeze your breast between two flat plastic plates for a few seconds. This procedure is carried out on a single breast at a time. While some pain may be felt, it is necessary to compress the breast tissue in order to get a clean X-ray.

Additionally, do a monthly breast self-examination to identify breast cancer early:

Monthly breast self-examination steps for early breast cancer diagnosis are shown in this educational infographic.

Additionally, you may alter your lifestyle:

Keep a healthy weight

Maintain an active lifestyle

Consume a healthy diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and low in fat.

Consume less than one alcoholic beverage each day or abstain entirely from alcohol.

Additional Breast Cancer Testing

Even if your mammography findings are normal, you should continue with your monthly breast self-examination and biannual mammogram for early identification of breast cancer.

If your findings are abnormal and you are requested to undergo further testing, do not get alarmed. Nine out of ten women who need further testing will have normal findings. Having to undergo further testing does not always indicate you have breast cancer.

The test(s) that you need will be determined by the results of your mammography. The doctor will suggest appropriate tests for you, including the following:

A repeat mammography in which the breasts are seen from several angles

An ultrasonic examination of the breast tissue using sound waves.

A biopsy is a procedure in which a tiny sample of tissue from the suspicious breast is obtained.

Treatment of Breast Cancer

If further testing confirm breast cancer, treatment choices will depend on the following:

Breast cancer stage (whether early or late)

Cancer cell types

Individual's age and overall health

Breast cancer in the early stages may need just surgery, while breast cancer in the late stages often requires a mix of the following treatment options:

Breast augmentation

Radiation therapy: this kind of treatment employs high-energy X-rays to destroy cancer cells and shrink tumors.

Chemotherapy is the process of destroying cancer cells using medicines.

Hormone therapy: this method involves the use of an anti-oestrogen (such as Tamoxifen) or an aromatase inhibitor (such as Anastrozole) to prevent the growth of hormone-responsive cancer cells.


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