Cancer Facts

 Cancer is the uncontrolled development of abnormal cells anyplace in a body.

There are approximately 200 kinds of cancer.

Anything that may cause a normal body cell to grow abnormally possibly may cause cancer; broad categories of cancer-related or causative factors are as follows: chemical or toxic substance exposures, ionizing radiation, certain infections, and human genetics.

Cancer symptoms and signs vary on the particular kind and grade of cancer; while general signs and symptoms are not highly specific the following may be observed in individuals with various cancers: tiredness, weight loss, discomfort, skin changes, change in bowel or bladder function, unusual bleeding, persistent cough or voice change, fever, lumps, or tissue tumors.

Although there are numerous techniques to screen and presumptively detect cancer, the definitive diagnosis is established by evaluation of a biopsy sample of probable cancer tissue.

Cancer staging is typically established by biopsy findings and helps identify the disease type and the degree of cancer dissemination; staging also helps caregivers decide treatment regimens. In general, in most staging systems, the higher the number given (typically from 0 to 4), the more aggressive the cancer type or the more widespread is cancer in the body. Staging techniques vary from cancer to cancer and need to be individually addressed with your health care professional.

Treatment methods differ according to the kind and stage of cancer. Most treatment regimens are tailored to suit the particular patient's condition. However, most therapies involve at least one of the following and may include all: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

There are numerous mentioned home remedies and alternative therapies for malignancies however patients are highly advised to review them before usage with their cancer physicians.

The prognosis of cancer may vary from good to bad. The prognosis relies on the cancer type and its staging with those tumors known to be aggressive and those staged with higher numbers (3 to 4) typically have a prognosis that ranges more toward bad.


  1. I was suffering HEPATITIS B for over 3 years, i was hopeless until one of my friend directed me to a herbal man Dr Chike on youtube, she said the Dr has herbal medicine/cure that cures HEPATITIS B also said the Dr has helped people with HIV/HERPES, CANCER, DIABETES, SHINGLES , HSV Chlamydia , Fever, Rashes , LIVER disease, FIBROIDS and STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS, i never believed her but after a lot of talk, i decided to contact him, just few days ago i contacted him and he told me what to do which i did and he sent to me a herbal medicine via {DHL} with prescriptions on how i will take it for a period of days. After i finished taking the medicine for 2 weeks he told me to go for a test which i also did and when the result came out i was surprised to see that i am negative. I am proud to tell you that I am the happiest person on earth. Big thanks to Dr Chike herbs/cure.. I pray you find a solution in him. For more information on how to get cured contact him on text via: +1 (719) 629 0982 or Facebook page @ Dr Chike Herbal Remedy. Add him up on Whats-App +2333502715551


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